Ich habe 4 T-Shirts bestellt. Wahrscheinlich wären Blusen für euch interessanter gewesen? Die folgenden Shirts sind bei mir ins Körbchen gehüpft: Toscana (Azure), Florence, Lagoon (Sapphire ) und ein Porto (Petrol).
Das Porto und das Lagoon hatte ich in 36B/BB und das Florence und das Toscana in 38 B/BB bestellt. 36 war mir eindeutig zu klein. Allerdings muss ich sagen, dass das laut der Tabelle, ich auch eindeutig eine 38 bin. Meine Maße sind momentan im Bh: 93-73-103. Ich habe mich nicht vermessen und hatte daher nicht so ganz auf dem Schirm, dass mein Taillenumfang bei 73cm liegt. Selbst im Florence in 38, musste ich feststellen, kann man noch gut erkennen, dass ich momentan nicht besonders straff bin. Daher habe ich auch nur das Toscana behalten. Vielleicht ist es aber auch so, dass ich einfach nicht gewohnt bin, so enge, also passende, Kleidung zu tragen.

Die Qualität finde ich für den Preis völlig in Ordnung. Alle Shirts die ich hatte hatten einen sehr hohen Viskoseanteil (>90%) und etwas Spandex. Das erklärt auch das Anschmiegsame, bzw. die Tendenz die Beschaffenheit des Oberkörpers genau abzuzeichnen. Ich finde es schon mal super, dass Kinga auf Polyester verzichtet, wenn jetzt noch einige andere Materialien und Prints hinzukommen, wäre das der Ruin meines Geldbeutels.
After searching for my camera's batteries for what felt like eternity (only to find them in the charger...), here is my other post about BiuBiu. I ordered 4 shirts. I almost feel like a bad blogger, as I am under the impression that people are mostly interested in their dress shirts.
My order included the Toscana (azure), Florence, Lagoon (sapphire) and a Porto (petrol). The Porto and the Lagoon in 36 B/BB and the Florence and Toscana in 38 B/BB. 36 was much too tight. Admittedly, my current measurements (93-73-103) firmly put me in their 38 category. Well, I should have gotten my measuring tape out before ordering, not afterwards. However, even the Florence felt a little snug. Maybe it's because of the material (clingy jersey) or because I am simply not used to clothes that are tight around the waist, in other words, which fit.
I only kept the Toscana, which I like a lot. It fits around around the bust and leaves enough room for my tummy, without looking like I am hiding something under there. It is also long enough, a big plus as I don't like to give people an involuntary look at my bellybutton and I am quite tall (1.74 m). Actually, every shirt in the order was long enough. Toscana's neckline is modest enough for the office. The Fuego, however, might have been a little revealing.
The quality was fine for the price. All shirts were made of more than 90% rayon/jersey and the rest is spandex. This makes the fabric rather clingy but I like that Kinga doesn't use polyester.
I really like the tailoring of the clothes and hopes that BiuBiu expands further, and adds more designs and fabrics to their line.
After searching for my camera's batteries for what felt like eternity (only to find them in the charger...), here is my other post about BiuBiu. I ordered 4 shirts. I almost feel like a bad blogger, as I am under the impression that people are mostly interested in their dress shirts.
My order included the Toscana (azure), Florence, Lagoon (sapphire) and a Porto (petrol). The Porto and the Lagoon in 36 B/BB and the Florence and Toscana in 38 B/BB. 36 was much too tight. Admittedly, my current measurements (93-73-103) firmly put me in their 38 category. Well, I should have gotten my measuring tape out before ordering, not afterwards. However, even the Florence felt a little snug. Maybe it's because of the material (clingy jersey) or because I am simply not used to clothes that are tight around the waist, in other words, which fit.
I only kept the Toscana, which I like a lot. It fits around around the bust and leaves enough room for my tummy, without looking like I am hiding something under there. It is also long enough, a big plus as I don't like to give people an involuntary look at my bellybutton and I am quite tall (1.74 m). Actually, every shirt in the order was long enough. Toscana's neckline is modest enough for the office. The Fuego, however, might have been a little revealing.
The quality was fine for the price. All shirts were made of more than 90% rayon/jersey and the rest is spandex. This makes the fabric rather clingy but I like that Kinga doesn't use polyester.
I really like the tailoring of the clothes and hopes that BiuBiu expands further, and adds more designs and fabrics to their line.
The Toscana looks great on you! Our waists sizes are about the same, so it's a interesting comparison. One thing I've noticed about BiuBiu tops is that, especially in the more fitted ones, you have to take your high hip information into account too. I'm able to size down to 36 but I have a very straight torso. In women with more of a nipped in waist (like yourself) then they really need to stick to their size in the size chart and in some cases if they really have an extremely nipped in waist and wider hips they might even need to size up.
I think in high street clothes this isn't also evident because the fit is so far off to start with that it's hard to see the details in terms of waist vs. high hip.
Yes, that is an excellent observation! Indeed my 'hip area' starts quite high. I always noticed that while dress shopping. Even if a dress was able to contain my boobs (in wrap styles) the fabric would strech around my hip area while it was loose around my actual waist.
If or more likely when I order next I'd like to get one of the dresses, but I probably need a 40 in it.
Btw. did you order with Urkye, yet? I'd like to, but I am really unsure about her sizes. I think, it is a bit unfortunate that she does not offer a range, but gives exact measurements. I am also not a big fan of her clothes being made of polyester.
I haven't ordered from her yet. She has a shawl coming out in August that I'm probably going to wait on. :D However, Bras I hate has and her dress looks amazing: http://brasihate.blogspot.com.br/2012/06/urkye-at-last-with-some-very-blurry.html and Boosaurus made a big order and will post pictures soon (I've seen them and they really look amazing on her). I'd say go with the 38, though, from her. From what I've seen so far her sizes seem pretty in tune with BiuBiu's (as in women who wear about 36's in BiuBiu also wear 36 with her). My plan is to order 38's from her as a first go. I think the only time I really can get away with 36's is when the item fits at the underbust and not at the natural waist (like with the Porto or Lagoon) whereas the Infinity I probably really needed a 38 because it had more definition at the natural waist too.
sehr sehr schick!
(und ich hab die gleiche bettwäsche wie du :D )
Yeah, I saw Bras I Hate's post. Reminds me, I wanted to ask her how tall she is. I like the length on her but it should be shorter.
I'll probably try an 3800, we'll see how that goes.
Yeah, I saw Bras I Hate's post. Reminds me, I wanted to ask her how tall she is. I like the length on her but it should be shorter.
I'll probably try an 3800, we'll see how that goes.
Haha, ja die gute Ikea Bettwäsche, wer hat die nicht?
Danke, ich mag das Oberteil auch sehr, man kann es gut an die Arbeit und mit Accessoires auch zum Weggehen anziehen und Blau ist einfach meine Farbe!
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