Zur besseren Orientierung:
BH-Größe: alles zwischen 30/32 F/FF/G
Beste Kompatibilität bisher: Cleo, Ewa Michalak
Maße: je nach Essens-, Hormon- und Wetterlage 98-74-101
Körpergröße: 1.77 Meter
Konfektionsgröße: Meine Kurven und Standardgrößen sind nicht immer kompatibel, aber so um die 38/40.
Schuhgröße: 40.5
Random Facts about Me:
Linkshänderin oder Rechtshänderin: Rechtshändlerin ;)
Die perfekte Pizza: Tomatensauce, Spinat, Feta, Mandeln.
Beste Schlafenszeit: ca. 23.30 Uhr
Beste Zeit zum Aufstehen: nach mindestens 8 Stunden Schlaf und selbst dann überlebt es nicht jeder Wecker, der mich überzeugen möchte mein Bett zu verlassen
Lieblingsgericht: Sushi
Schlimmster Drink der Welt: Pina Colada
Bester Drink der Welt: Apple-Cider
Drei unverzichtbare Gegenstände für die Zombie-Apocalypse: In dem Fall würde ich alle meine Prinzipien über Bord werfen --> Panzer, Waffen und Astronautennahrung
Zum Frühstück esse ich: Viel
Mein Desktopwallpaper zeigt: Straße in Hongkong
Wenn Du ein Buntstift wärst, welche Farbe wärst du? Blau
Fez oder Bow Tie (Fliege): Chucks. Aber wenn dann Bow Tie.
Liebste Primzahl: 11
Unterm Bett: Kater
Bestes Fortbewegungsmittel: Beamen (gern durch Raum UND Zeit)
Liebste Jahreszeit: Herbst
Als Kind wollte ich... Superheldin werden und fliegen können und da hat sich auch nicht viel verändert seit dem.
In English, please:
I guess by now some of you might have noticed that there is a new kid on the blog and has been for three month, for that matter. Well, yes that's me, MiaRose. I debated coming up with a rather elaborate explanation of my nick name, that would make me sound all whimsical and terribly smart, but there is none. Suffice it to say that my 'real' name also involves an M in a prominent position and Doctor Who might have highjacked my subconscious. You can find out more about my personal Brafitting story under Buchstabenphobie if you like and one day it might even be available in English. Before becoming a Brabarella, I have been reading a lot on busenfreundinnen.net, a place that has been an indispensable source of advice and knowledge for me ever since. One day I stumbled upon a link to Drüber&Drunter and instantly became an avid follower. When George asked me if I'd like to write a blog post, I was hooked. The rest is history as they say and the lovely George is now stuck with me. Like George I am interested in more than 'just' lingerie but also on the (de)construction of beauty norms and ideals and the creation of a positive body image. If you want to sho0t me an email, please send it to:
miarose. drueberunddrunter @gmail.com (no spaces)
Sizing does matter:
Bra-Size: depending on the bra style and brand between 30/32 F/FF/G
Brands that fit me best: Ewa Michalak
Measurements: depends on a lot from hormones to the time of the day but , 38-29-40 is about right.
Height: 177 cm = 5'9
Size: Industrial standard sizing and my body do not necessarily go well together but mostly a 12.
Random Facts about Me:
left or right-handed: right, but I like to think I am still creative and potentially a genius ;)
the perfect pizza: a thick crust with t-sauce, spinache, feta and sliced almonds
best bedtime: 11.30 pm
best time to wake me up, without me inflicting physical harm on the culprit: after at least 8 hours of sleep and even then I am far from being a morning person
favourite food: Sushi
worst drink: Pina Colada (can't stand coconut)
best drink: Apple Cider
thinks I have for breakfast: Many. There is no better way to throw me off then denying me breakfast or food in general.
three essential items for the zombie-apocalypse: Abandoning all my pacifist beliefs --> a tank, weapons and space food.
my desktop wallpaper is: A street in Hongkong
if you were a crayon, what colour would you be: Blue
fez or bowtie: Converse. But bow ties are cool, too.
favourite prime number: 11
unter my bed: cat
best transport: theoretically beaming (preferably through time and space)
time of the year: Fall
when i was a child i wanted... to become a super hero and be able to fly and not much has changed since then.